2022: “Old Icelandic and Sami ancestor mountains: A comparison”. In Håkan Rydving & Konsta Kaikkonen (eds.): Religions around the Arctic. Source Criticism and Comparisons. Stockholm: Stockholm University Pres. 31-76.
2020: "Kva skjer med talemålet i Oslo og på Austlandet? Ein litteraturkritikk". Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 38. 227-69.
2019: “The Wild Host and the Etymology of Sami Stállu and Norwegian Ståle(sferda). Reflecting Ancient Contact». Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 2019. 73-93.
2018: “The Literary Re-Use of Myths in Þorsteins þáttr bǿjarmagns: A Key Elf Queen Legend and Another Twist on the Twist”. In Daniel Sävborg & Karen Bek-Pedersen (ed.): Supernatural Encounters in Old Norse Literature and Tradition. Borders, Boundaries, Landscapes 1. Turnhout: Brepols. 215-37.
2018: “Áns saga bogsveigis – A Counterfactual Egils saga and yet another Twist on the Myth of Þórr’s Visit to Útgarða-Loki”. Edda. 147-61.
2017: “Det norske språkmangfaldet og opplæringa i norsk som andrespråk”. Norsklæreren 3-2017. 16-27.
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